Explore the fashionable world of niche perfumes thanks to our original supplementary information on this topic. A path made of stories and anecdotes through which you can immerse yourself in the discovery of the origins of the art of perfumery.

The speed of luxury during Coronavirus
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Pace of the Luxury industry

The artistic perfumery has never been so influenced by forms of fast fashion as it is today. A world where the most important aspect for those who sell is to have always a new fragrance at the counter. In order to advertise, offer and sell until the natural push factor towards novelty has been depleted, a person is constantly looking for something “newer” to astonish his public.

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Olfactory pyramid sample
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The olfactory pyramid

When we smell a perfume, our natural gesture, breathing, activates our senses. By inhaling a fragrance, each one of us perceives it differently. However, thanks to the scent composition we manage to sense and discover it in an objective way. It happens due to an olfactory pyramid that every fragrance has. But what is it? Why is the olfactory pyramid so important?

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